Traffic law is a complex area of law, and in particular licence appeals so it is essential you seek legal advice from experienced traffic lawyers about your...
Having no drivers licence can have serious implications on your day-to-day life, that extends to your work and family members. If you drive while unlicensed, which relates...
In NSW, it is a serious offence to drive while your blood alcohol level is over the legal limit. New research has found more than one-in-ten drivers...
Under section 10 of the Drug Misuse and Trafficking Act 1985 (NSW) Possession of a Prohibited Drug is a criminal offence and can attract a maximum penalty...
If you are charged with Destroying or damaging property you will need attend Court to have the mater dealt with. The local Court will usually hear the...
Bail is an agreement that you will attend court if you have been charged with one or more offences. Once you are charged with an offence, police may...
AVO’s are Orders that a Court makes to protect people by ordering a person known as the‘defendant’ not to assault, molest, harass, intimidate or stalk the protected...
The offence of Affray arises where you use or threaten to use unlawful violence towards another person. These acts of violence or threats of violence must be...