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July 30, 2024
Traffic law is a complex area of law, and in particular licence appeals so it is essential you seek legal advice from experienced traffic lawyers about your specific situation to achieve the best possible outcome. Losing your driver’s licence may affect your ability to work and earn an income and interfere with your employment and...
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Driving with any illegal drug in your system is against the law in New South Wales. If a roadside drug test detects illegal drugs when a saliva sample is taken from you the test is repeated. If the test remains positive, you will be required to take further laboratory tests including blood tests or urine...
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Having no drivers licence can have serious implications on your day-to-day life, that extends to your work and family members. If you drive while unlicensed, which relates to driving without a valid licence on a public road. This does include when you have had your licence disqualified, suspended or cancelled.  This offence of driving unlicensed...
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In NSW, it is a serious offence to drive while your blood alcohol level is over the legal limit. New research has found more than one-in-ten drivers surveyed who drink admitted to driving while over the legal blood-alcohol limit. Having the right lawyer for your drink driving matter can make a big difference to the...
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