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July 2, 2024
Under section 10 of the Drug Misuse and Trafficking Act 1985 (NSW)  Possession of a Prohibited Drug is a criminal offence and can attract a maximum penalty of 2 years’ imprisonment and/or a fine of up to $2,200 Drug possession typically applies when you have physical custody or control over the drug or have the...
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If you are charged with Destroying or damaging property you will need attend Court to have the mater dealt with. The local Court will usually hear the case, if the damage caused costs less than $2,000, and the maximum penalty is 2 years imprisonment and a $2,200 fine. Charges can potentially lead to a criminal...
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It is an offence to break into a premises or house and steal property or commit any other serious indictable offence in New South Wales. A ‘serious indictable offence’ is any offence that carries a term of at least 5 years imprisonment.  Even if you enter by an unlocked but closed window, gate or door...
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Bail is an agreement that you will attend court if you have been charged with one or more offences.  Once you are charged with an offence, police may do the following: Issue you with a Court Attendance Notice where you are free to leave and not place you on bail; or  release you on bail; or...
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